House of Cards - nativity scene

House of Cards – nativity scene

Participatory arts. Installation. 2016.
At the vestibule of K-Citymarket Klaukkala in December 2016.
Film 1:42 min.

House of cards is a tent, made of old Christmas cards. The fabrics show hundreds of versions of Nativity Scenes by artists and illustrators. There are famous classics and countless interpretations and variations about the theme.

In the Christmas cards, The Holy Family appears to be alternately happy, confused, frightened, tired and even angry. The child is born in the middle of snow, in the desert, in the forest, on the kitchen table or in the ancient ruins of temples. He is congratulated by shepherds and kings, in addition to the angels, doves, musicians, young children, elves and even the Santa Claus. Baby Jesus is receiving guests as a baby or a wise-sighted schoolkid. A couple of times he has been abandoned alone to hays watching the twinkling stars in the sky.

Cards attracted me because of their diversity. I see in them the whole spectrum of Christmases, different types of sanctity, parenting, festive celebrations. As well as variability of humanity. Background, environment and clothing of people describe the different societies and values. Seriously and playfully.

House of cards is a participatory installation. Inside the tent are folders full of used old Christmas cards from 50’s to the end of the 90th century. You may browse them and take the card, which reminds you of an important person. There are also pre-printed envelopes, to which you can write a message to the recipient of the card you chose. Card folders will be filled daily. Stamps are sold in the Citymarket and the mailbox can be found immediately outside the door. Welcome to the nostalgic journey to the past!

Videos of making of this installation. Fabrics. Cards.

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Kiitokset! Postikorttikeräilijä Merja Kaappola. Klaukkalan seimiprojektin vetäjä, Markku Tapio.  Klaukkalan K-Citymarket. Koneen Säätiö.